How It Works

Every workshop is presented live, recorded, transcribed, and available for you to enjoy at any time.

  • The Live Presentation took place on October 11 – join now for the full recording!

  • Recorded, transcribed, and available for you to watch any time, 24/7

  • Protected by our 30-day, money-back-for-any-reason guarantee

What You'll Learn

  • The Formula That Sells

    Rob will share the exact templates and proposals – and all the psychology behind how they work – that he's used to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars per year of active retainers to WordPress clients

  • How to Respond to Common Objections

    From "I can do it myself" to "I only need you once in a while" to "it's too expensive" – we'll break down every client objection and show you how to position your retainer as an irresistible offer.

  • Pricing, Psychology and More

    We'll talk actual numbers – not just theory – so you can price your retainer appropriately to give your clients maximum value while building a sustainable, thriving business.

Meet Your Instructor

Software Developer and Tech Educator Rob Howard

Rob is a software developer, entrepreneur and the founder of Innovating with AI. Based in Denver, he brings 20+ years of full-stack development experience and an eye for design, advertising and entrepreneurship to our team of technology educators.

✅ First startup acquired in 2009
✅ Featured in Wired, TechCrunch and Entertainment Weekly
✅ Rob's software powers sites for Facebook and Intel

Live on Oct. 11, Recorded and Available 24/7

This workshop will be held live via Zoom on October 11 from 1pm to 3 pm Eastern, and then recorded and transcribed so you have 24/7 access.